Codex: Chaos Space Marines...
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Even the Adeptus Astartes cannot resist the insidious taint of Chaos. Ten thousand years after Horus' Heresy tore the galaxy in two, the Space Marines who once defended the Imperium are now one of the greatest threats to its survival, combining their genetic abilities and masterful equipment with dark blessings and millennia of experience in the "Long War". They will not stop until Terra itself is in flames and the Emperor's corpse is offered to the dark gods!
The forces of the Chaos Space Marines combine the heavy weapons and armour of their loyal cousins with an arsenal of hell-forged arcana. Your bolter-wielding Space Marines can be supported by infernal Daemon Engines or hordes of cultish infantry. Chaos Space Marine armies are excellent all-rounders, capable of tearing through enemies from a distance before closing in on deadly charges, and offer a wide range of models to collect, paint and use. Perhaps you'll play a legendary force from the Horus Heresy or get creative with a renegade chapter of your own creation.
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