Primaris Techmarine
Corax White (12 ml)
Sycorax Bronze (12 ml)
Kabalite Green (12 ml)
Skavenblight Dinge (12 ml)
Citadel 75x42mm Oval Bases
Blue Horrors of Tzeentch
Empty Glass Jar with Pipette
Thondia Brown (12 ml)
Leadbelcher (12 ml)
Naggaroth Night (12 ml)
Death Korps Drab (12 ml)
Corvus Black (12 ml)
The Fang (12 ml)
Thousand Sons Blue (12 ml)
Death Guard Green (12 ml)
Castellan Green (12 ml)
Khorne Red (12 ml)
Grey Seer (12ml)
Lupercal Green (12ml)
Dryad Bark (12 ml)
Ionrach Skin (12 ml)
Rakarth Flesh (12 ml)
Retributor Armour (12 ml)