Flood the battlefield with Khorne Berzerkers, the raging foot soldiers of the World Eaters legion. This unit of 10 Berzerkers is a close combat powerhouse, the perfect core for any World Eaters army.
Incubi Darkness (12 ml)
MKVI Tactical Squad
Heavy Intercessors
Medium Texture Spreader
Silver Series Kolinsky...
Mephiston Red (12 ml)
Round Mixing Palette
Leadbelcher (12 ml)
Khârn the Betrayer
Exalted Eightbound
Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne
Rendmaster, Herald of...
Skullmaster, Herald Of...
Skull Altar
Chaos Predator
Daemons of Khorne...
Lord Invocatus
Khorne Lord of Skulls
Angron, Daemon Primarch of...
Chaos Land Raider
Combat Patrol: World Eaters