A powerful wizard and loyal companion
3 miniatures in 2 different settings – both on foot and mounted
Gondor Mansion
Knights of Minas Tirith
Isengard Battlehost
Saruman the White & Grima
Gondor Tower
Apothecary White (18 ml)
Skeleton Horde (18ml)
Inner Circle Companions
Galadrhim elf commanders
Easterling Warriors
Fellowship of the Ring
Morannon Orcs
Minas Tirith™ Battlehost
Mahûd King
Galadriel and Celeborn
Mahûd Warrior Warband
Treebeard Mighty Ent
The Dark Lord Sauron
Arwen™ Foot and Mounted
Dwarf Commanders
Gildor Inglorion & Glorfindel