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Ironweld Great Cannon

€35.20 Save 20%
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At the forefront of the formidable Castelite formation stands the steadfast guardian known as the Ironweld Great Cannon, serving as the gatekeeper. Shielded by robust armor, this imposing artillery piece is entrusted to the capable hands of a highly skilled crew, dedicated to the unyielding task of maintaining a relentless bombardment of cannonballs, shells, and grapeshot. The cannon's ceaseless barrage endures until the pivotal moment when it is readied for a forward advance, allowing the valiant Freeguild Steelhelms and Cavaliers to emerge from within their living fortress.

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The Ironweld Great Cannon epitomizes resolute defense and unyielding firepower. It stands as the sentinel of the Castelite formation, its thick protective shield serving as a bastion against the encroaching threats. Manned by a team of experts, this artillery piece ensures that a steady storm of projectiles rains down upon the enemy, creating a formidable barrier.

Only when the time is right does the cannon pivot and roll forward, unveiling a path for the Freeguild Steelhelms and Cavaliers to venture forth from their mobile fortress. This pivotal transition exemplifies the dynamic synergy between the Ironweld Great Cannon and the gallant knights, forging a united front that embodies unwavering resilience and unwavering commitment in the face of adversity.

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